POND LIFE: Advanced Bioaugmentation for Aquatic Environments

POND LIFE is a scientifically formulated bioaugmentation product designed to optimize pond health and performance. It leverages a consortium of carefully selected beneficial bacteria to address various water quality concerns and promote a thriving aquatic ecosystem.

Key benefits:

  • Enhanced Phytoplankton Growth: Optimizes phytoplankton populations, the foundation of the aquatic food chain, for a balanced ecosystem.
  • Improved Water Quality: Effectively eliminates H2S (hydrogen sulfide), ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, contributing to pristine water conditions.
  • Pathogen Control: Manages Vibrio populations, known to cause detrimental health effects in fish and shrimp.
  • Enhanced Fish Productivity: Reduces Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and bolsters fish survival rates.
  • Waste Management: Efficiently reduces organic waste and degrades sludge for a cleaner and healthier pond environment.


  • Bacillus strains: Bacillus subtilis, megaterium, licheniformis, polymyxa, and pumilis.
  • Additional beneficial bacteria: Cellulomonas cartae, P. Pantotrophus, P. Acidilactici, Pseudomonas denitrificans, L. Plantarum, L. Rhamnosus, Rhodococcus, Rhodobacter, Iobacillus iooxidans, and Hiobacillus ferroxidans.


  • Apply 1 Kg per hectare (or as recommended by your aqua consultant)
  • Method:
    1. Mix the desired dosage with clean water.
    2. Add 50 g of Micro O2 (aeration source) and let the mixture brew for a minimum of 6 hours.
    3. Apply the solution evenly across the pond surface during sunlight hours for optimal bacterial activity.


  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its potency.


    • Available in 1kg packages.


  • Store  in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its potency.